How is the project organized concretely?

DynSanté is based on continuous interactions with the research fields, not reduced to “guinea pigs”, but considered as full contributors to the reflection and the common elaboration. The research process is organized in 4 work packages (WP):


an organizational analysis of the sites within their ecosystem (WP1)


a formalization of models based on the analyses conducted with the research fields (WP2)


an iterative testing of promising models with other research fields (WP3)


a dissemination of the results to the entire Medtech ecosystem, including funders, with the help of the research fields and through Workshops (WP4)

The selected sites were chosen according to 3 criteria


Presentation of the site

Created in 2021 in the Lorient region of Bretagne, France and with an (inter)national dimension, Cowork’HIT is a center of expertise and innovation specialized in the field of disability. It offers support services to companies, health and medical-social establishments and other innovation players, for the development of innovative solutions and research and development services. Cowork’HIT is one of the 7 axes of the Handicap Innovation Territoire (HIT) project, winner of the national call for projects “Territoires d’Innovation Grande Ambition” (TIGA).

Relevance for DynSanté

An exploratory research has confirmed the relevance of this research field for the DynSanté project. This project mobilizes a set of various actors such as associations, companies, communities, universities or health institutions, around a common objective: to conceive and accelerate the development of innovative solutions related to disability and to create the necessary conditions for the structuring of an economic sector around disability. The first results show that Cowork’HIT is the result of a historic collaboration between the various players in the region.
Cowork’HIT stimulates these interactions and knowledge transfers between actors and structures a community ecosystem around the theme of disability.

Concrete actions planned

The aim of the DynSanté project, and of Anaïs Garin’s thesis (UPEC – IRG), is to study the “orchestration” activities and skills deployed by CoWork’HIT, in connection with other actors in the territory, with a view to structuring and developing this innovation ecosystem over time.

Territoires du Grand Est

The “Grand Est” research field is the reference field chosen for the WP2. We remind you that this WP observes the reality of the projects, the first applications of the method, the motivations of the structures which are interested in it, the conditions of success, the points of vigilance / improvement of the existing CML.

Presentation of the site

The “Grand Est” was initially approached through 2 reseach fields:

– The “Territoire de Santé de Demain” (TSD) in Strasbourg, France because of the “collaborative platform for innovation” initiative that it financed, based on the CML associated with this program. e-Meuse’s current commitment to the CML method and the desire of the two territories to converge their approaches (while maintaining their different offers) justifies associating these two initiatives. The Territoire de Santé de Demain is also engaged in an approach guided by the Optimedis model, based on the same mechanisms as the “Population Responsibility” in which e-Meuse is also interested.

– The Living Lab Active Ageing, led by the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), France, has been identified as a field in DynSanté since the beginning. But in parallel to DynSanté, UTT’s partnership with the southern Champagne hospitals has resulted in its contribution to work on population responsibility, with the territory Aude Sezannais, one of the FHF’s experimental territories. The “Population Responsibility” orientation of the Grand Est region naturally leads to the involvement of the entire ecosystem, beyond the Living Lab alone. The UTT, a member of the LLSA Forum and Tech4Health, is also involved in the design of the CML method

Motivations and role

The e-Meuse and TSD territories are highly ambitious innovation territories selected in the framework of a national call for projects financed by the PIA 3. Through the Filière Santé Numérique (Digital Health Network), they are committed to implementing a nationwide approach to “Population Responsibility” that aims to reconcile quality of care, citizen involvement, public health and the economic balance of the healthcare system.

The UTT is continuing its collaboration with the Aube Sezannais territory and the ecosystem of this field (Champagne South hospitals, order of general practitioners, Pulsy Grand Est agency): PhD engaged on the follow-up of the deployment of digital tools for cooperation between actors of care, response to a national AMI on Population Responsibility, reflections on the modes of access to health pathways in the territory.

Through these pioneering territories, we aim to depict the methodology for supporting and evaluating the maturity of projects as a specific variation of the CML approach.

The two innovation territories from “Grand Ambition”, like the UTT, lead and support innovation projects in health. They aspire to formalize and capitalize on experience at the regional level, by structuring their respective offers with reference to the maturity measure resulting from a CML Health evaluation. Without giving up on their differences, all three are part of the national dynamic of the Digital Health sector and the population-based approach with experiences in this field, including the work undertaken by the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg, whose model (Optimédis) is part of a European framework.

The motivation of the Grand Est research field is based on its desire to set an example at the national level, specifically in the implementation of the method, and its visibility in the field to play a leadership role on the subject. The presence of InnovAutonomie, LLSA under the authority of D. Abraham, who is also in charge of WP2, is a specific motivation for bringing WP2 – Grand Est together.

Concrete actions planned

This point remains to be developed. We cite: the collaborative platform being set up by the TSD; the AAP being prepared by e-Meuse for an initial methodological work on integrating the ResPop approach into a new version of the CML. The follow-up by the UTT of the deployment of the Parcéo tool (RespPop) and its willingness to respond to the new AAP of the DGOS on the Population Responsibility approach
Finally, a training offer on the CML approach carried out by the UTT on behalf of the LLSA Forum.

The projects of the 3 territories likely to be the subject of Dynsanté investigation interviews by the WP2 steering team were also mentioned, one of which was presented at the December 17 network meeting (Toktokdoc) and which is voluntary, likely to constitute a first project to be studied. The territories are invited to make proposals for other innovation projects
to be investigated, in particular in the field of diabetes which benefits from the commitment of a major industrial player (Novonordisk), partner of the TSD. The investigations associated with WP2 are to be carried out over 12 months, in coherence with the overall planning of Dynsanté.

The “Grand Est” field is the reference field chosen for WP2. We remind you that this WP observes the reality of the projects, the first applications of the method, the motivations of the structures which are interested in it, the conditions of success, the points of vigilance/improvement of the existing CML.

Ecosystem of the ETP cluster

Presentation of the site

Created in 2013 and supported by the Agence Régionale de Santé IDF, the Ile de France Resource Center for Patient Therapeutic Education is an intermediary organization between all stakeholders in projects aiming to co-construct solutions, including technological ones, to support chronically ill people in their efforts to achieve autonomy in their health. It ensures a terceiving function, facilitating cooperation and guaranteeing the reinforcement of the capacities of individuals and groups to co-produce sustainable solutions.

Actions, interventions, services to be specified according to the priorities given by the ETP pole.

Interest in DynSanté

The Pôle ETP IDF promotes innovative methods to fertilize together the knowledge of health professionals and patients. This work of dialogical construction and its confrontation with more academic knowledge support the development of devices intended to be used by professionals and chronically ill people, aiming at the development of their power to act. These innovations are less technical than those envisaged in other fields and projects. On the other hand, their organizational and psychosociological character is accentuated, making the Pôle ETP a major field of validation of the CML metrology and of widening its use.

Concrete actions planned

The aim of the participation of the Pôle ETP IDF in the Dynsanté project is to make the innovation methods developed by the Pôle ETP and the CML coherent, i.e. to compare, establish the divergent concepts and, if possible, harmonize the principles and tools of both.

Study of current practices and needs in terms of evaluation and selection of innovative projects by funding organizations

Presentation of the site

Each ecosystem and stakeholder in health innovation financing and support follows its own practices and methods and draws on different conceptual and operational tools. This qualitative study aims to deepen and document our knowledge of these experiences through interviews conducted with different types of organizations and levels of ecosystems. The results of these analyses will allow us to shed light on the way in which LMCs can contribute to synchronizing, streamlining or optimizing current processes, for example.